Bundaran Hi

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Image Result For Bundaran Hi

The Selamat Datang Monument is located at the centre of a roundabout known as Bundaran Hotel Indonesia or Bundaran HI Indonesian for “Hotel Indonesia Roundabout” , named because of its proximity to Hotel Indonesia..Everything you need to know about the Selamat Datang Monument one of Jakarta’s most iconic symbols. The Selamat Datang Monument in central Jakarta is one of the most famous and well recognized landmarks in the entire city. It is so famous that it a trip to the city is not complete without driving around it!.Bundaran HI or Bundaran HI Astra, [a] with Astra International granted for naming rights [] is a TransJakarta bus rapid transit station on the M.H. Thamrin Street, Jakarta, Indonesia that serves corridor . The station’s name came from the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout which .Bundaran HI Station or Bundaran HI Bank DKI Station, with Bank DKI granted for naming rights [] is a rapid transit station on the North South Line of the Jakarta MRT in Central Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia..

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